She calls it absolutely, unequivocally different, we called it Oyato!


The name is Odunayo and I am a clothing designer for my own design company OYATO.

14 years? I see us opening up a couple of boutiques domestically and internationally

Seeing someone wear something you made is all worth it especially when they have a smile from ear to ear to go with it! :)

Never regret anything in life, just keep in mind never to make the same mistake again!

Learning to speak's been a great help so far!

No...but that may change soon! :)

Not at all!!

That there is nothing glamorous about being a designer

*I have a candy stash in my studio
*I wish I were taller
*I want to be in a Broadway play
*Michelle Obama will be a client of mine (by God's grace)

*lay down
*kick back with my siblings and cousins
*talk to him

*encouraging words
*my phone

Going out with the ones I love!

Lauryn Hill? Please!

Um....bread. Not good I know! :-/


Tonight's looking like an order in night
Any parting words?