may 31 09
So if this story were ever to be retold I’d maybe want Chris rock to narrate the story and I will stick to my stance that we didn’t throw a parri...
so how did it all start .. well imagine an inventor is like hmmm let me invent a wheel and then upon sharing it with his family the same wheel becomes a formula 1 race car in just minutes and then enters the championship race and then comes out on top… Do u get what it is I am sayin? all the inventor thot about what just a simple wheel but somehow it became larger than life !!!!
Well so that’s the story of the party that never happened . I am sure there will be different stories of how the party came about dependin on who u ask.. (placin hand on a bible and swearin I swear to tell the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth.. so help me god Imight add some jara or even skip out some things but u will get the gist.
So my bday was the 11th and I took my friends and male cousins out to eat.. now that was where the wahala started cuz the females in the family weren’t feelin that.. Rightfully so, so I said don’t worry we will do a small bbq end of the month and since my cousins bday was a week plus after mine.. we will do something together and then dedicate it to her since I had already celebrated mine with the guys.. so that was it oh. My plan was I’d get ribs and some meat and grill. U know something simple.. u know like a game night u and ur boys chillin . u runnin back and forth to check the grill to make sure the sausages don’t burn. That was the plan oh.. and for like a while it was ..
Then one day mummy yuppy comes to the house. And like play like play.. everything forkasibe.. or better everything explodes….. So Lola comes in and then she starts sayin na we can’t do that…that if we want to do this we should just do it well no need to half step.. so we are hearin her out and she is soundin convincing.. u know like u r tellin someone u think u will have a few kids and they are talkin u into buyin a school bus because that’s the only thing that makes sense… so now that u r sold on the school bus. What’s goin to happen now to ur kids???? U know to fill it up u better have more kids abi ??? lol well that’s what lola did.. she took the small idea and added gasoline to it… and me crackin up i am bbin lanre L and sayin his sister is a trip.
Yejide and I are laughin.. lara is like ok lolas is makin sense.. me I am like lara NOOOOOOOO Lola isn’t oh she is the one that will start the fight and say.. “u know and I spoke to both of em not to fight oh .. that why now!! .. they should be friends .. hmm I don’t have any hand in this oh”… lolol anyway so this is goin on and on .. and lanre and I are still chattin.. then somehow he sends lara a text saying I got a DJ… now imagine Lola has got u that school bus.. lanre just built a mansion now the deal is sealed u must to have plenty kids now.. cuz u know maybe the bus u can use if for charity or even business.. but this DJ now is like u having 25 rooms in ur house… hmm u gast to do it bigz(imagine jenifa sayin it). Bimbo L sends lara a text sayin she is good for a case of wine and a list of 14 plus ppl she is bringing along… now the thing is beyond me oh.. now Lola is still here talkin about how this has to be done.. and the parri was born abi… so that’s my story oh and somehow along the line .. lara added the theme is jeans and NS…… so that’s where ns became part of the plan… but u know what it was a lovely turn out each person held their own and we all were one big family and one big ns family…. Most of the ppl who came out were familiar faces most were NS customers and most importantly friends. So it was a good look . thank u all for coming we all appreciate it and NS loves u more…
NS production Starring
Lanre O.. na who do the drink oooooooooooooooo.. “ Lara 12 bottles of shaks or u mean 12 cases?
Lola mummy yuppy.. aka Mrs. Instigator .. aka ha it wont be enough . je ka shey parri
Lara … ms.this is what u and u and u are doing oya handle it ..Lola I got extraaaaaaaaaaaaas to be on the safe side.
Yejide.. Abuja isn’t like this o. and what should I really tell ppl is going on
Lanre L.. sms--- “ call this number .. I got a DJ, everything is bigger in lagos
Olumide.. how did this happen?
Bimbo L.. one case of wine and 15 guests
Hakeem- olumide o get ara e( u don’t know what u want).. and lanre someone has to address the dude man. He can’t just be runnin his mouth
Pls no one should feel left out oh… it was a great team effort and everyone made it happen..
Much love and ns loves u more.. we always do… i swear