well if u googled my name u will see some artist come up.. now i have always been curious to see what it was like to actually see him. u know like some sliders thing where we cant both occupy the same space.. like what will happen for real.. well a few wks back i went to this gallery and then i see my name on the wall and this painting.. i was a little bit spooked but i convinced myself if i ever had the talent to paint. i'd kick the dudes ass in it. i am already up in this t-shirt game anyway. so he is only an imposter...
(the paintin is the one on the left side of the couch.. the staff at the gallery was sayin some shit about reproducing the paintin w/o permission so i couldnt get a really good pic)
and there it is..
so this morning is a public holiday. independence day. i get a call from the workers sayin they got arrested for working today... they were eventually released.. apparently there is a dumb ass rule that no laborers are not allowed in the compound on public holidays.. so i am losin one extra day.. :(
My little office. yippie